
As you can guess from the site’s name, I am addicted to guitar picks. I’m playing the guitar ever since I can remember and got serious when I was about 15. I started as a finger picker on my mom’s classical guitar and bought my first electric a few years later with money from my summer job. I always had bags full of guitar picks of different kinds and manufacturers but got into the boutique picks world only a few years ago. Since then, I spent more money on pick than I spent on guitars (And I didn’t stop buying guitars). I created this site hoping to attract more attention to some amazing pick makers that no one knows and to share my experience with guitar players who are just looking for a cool pick to play with.

If you have a question, request, want a certain pick reviewed or if you are a pick maker and want me to review your picks, you can contact me or send an email to: [email protected], and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!